
Shia Match features thousands of Shia Muslim matrimonial profiles from around the world. If you're looking for that special someone, add your free profile today!
About ShiaMatch.com
What is ShiaMatch? ShiaMatch is an online tool to help you find other Shia Muslims who are looking for a suitable match. The main purpose of Shiamatch is to expand your network of prospective matches, complimenting your search through traditional means. Finding a person on Shiamatch is just the first step towards choosing a marriage partner.
How does it work? To contact other members on Shiamatch, YOU MUST FIRST create an online profile. An online profile contains basic information about you. To request someone's contact information, you can login and send them a request through Shiamatch. If they like your profile, they will accept your request and both parties will automatically receive each other's email address. From that point on, you may contact each other directly.
Can I maintain my privacy? Shiamatch will keep your Name and Email address private. Name and email information will be passed on to other members only after you have accepted their request. When you request other's contact information, your name and email is kept private until they have accepted your request. The Shiamatch request system is anonymous.
How much does it cost? ShiaMatch is 100% free for residents of all countries except for men residing in USA, UK or Canada. ShiaMatch is free for ladies of any country. Click here for more information.
How do I sign up? Click on the "Add Your Profile" button in the top menu. You will be required to enter your profile details. After completing your profile, you will receive an email with your Profile ID and password, and other membership details. You can also create a profile for a relative after obtaining his or her permission.
Success Stories
"Alhamdulilah I'm celebrating my 6th wedding anniversary after meeting my husband on shiamatch. We were living between Australia/USA and found the distance no barrier at all, marrying in person after 3 months of talking via skype alhamdulilah. I had a child when we married and now we have 3 more alhamdulilah, honestly this is the best marriage site (e.g. compared to HOD) because you can be yourself and in the end marrying a shia really is important so you can both nurture your children in the teachings of the Holy Prophet (saw) through his Ahlul bayt (as). It is so so important to be on the same page! Overall my advice is to be honest on your profile, show your true personality (my hubby even wrote poems!), put culture aside!! look deeply into yourself and make a lot of dua (for others then yourself) and send lots of salawat and inshAllah you will find your perfect match!" -- J, Australia/USA
"Shiamatch is the greatest way to find a companion in our sect. Our community should really take advantage from this wonderful site. After being registered for one year I found the exact person I was looking for." -- S. Ali, California, USA
"Alhumdolillah, I was lucky enough to find my life partner through your website and we got married 6 months ago." -- Aatif, UK
"By the grace of Allah n Ahl-e-bait(a.s), I found my perfect match with the help of shiamatch. He is from Lahore. He is masha-allah a very caring person n jolly as well. I've no parents n shia match found my perfect match like my parents. Thank u shiamatch." -- K. Fatima
"I am thankful to Shiamatch as I have found my match here. Thanx from the bottom of my heart!" -- Shahi, India.
"Please can you remove my profile with immediate effect. I thank you for helping me find my ideal partner..." -- Sultan, UK
"Thanks to shiamatch, we found a good match. Thanks a lottttttttt." -- Fatima, Karachi, Pakistan
"I found my partner through your service and am now married and well settled Alhamdulillah. Thank you once again and may Allah bless you." -- Sukaina, Daressalam, Tanzania
"Thanks to shiamatch, I found my soulmate and today on 17 RABI UL AWAL 2006 we had our nikaah. May God bless those who helped us." -- F. Abbas, Pakistan
"I found my soul mate from shiamatch.com, what else can I ask for." -- M. Asra
"With the help of this site I found my match and I was married in November 2005. I just visited this site to remove my ID. We are living a happy life. Thanks to the SHIAMATCH.COM team." -- Syed Zia
"I have found my life partner Inshallah and we are geting married in two months thanks to shiamatch. And of course thanks to Allah for this life He is giving me. Khuda hafiz, wish best of luck to others." -- Amena, Dubai
"May Allah (swt) reward you for this wonderful website cause I got to know my husband by this site and I still do not regret our marriage for one second Alhamdulillaah! And we are expecting our first child inshaaAllah in the near future. Fi Amaanillaah" -- D.B.
"Indeed due to the presence of this website which acted as a mediator in order to find my soulmate, I am extremely thankful and shall be ever obliged for the continous growth and development of this site. May The Almighty shower all His blessings for assisting our brothers and sisters in Islam to find their soulmates." -- S. Rizvi, UAE
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